by Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Amberg-Weiden



Stay updated on Higher Education News up to date, find and contact people via its directory, retrieve the cafeteria menus and timetables, browse the OPAC of the university libraries.About MyOTH-AW students perform elective applications on the move and carry the bulletin board for its course in digital with him.Content:NewsStay updated on the Higher Education News to date.CoursesInformation about our coursesTimetablesCheck the timetables of our programs ranked from after Bachelor and Master and the lecture, exam and holiday periods from.CafeteriaAlways the current menu of the canteen in Amberg and Weiden in your pocket, as well as opening times and durable range.PeopleContact information about all contacts, such as professors orEmployeeMyOTH-AWDirectly for the students of HAW cut: Self timetable, individual black board, as well as an optional subject application.OPACDirectly use the OPAC of the mobile libraries.ContactContact information of the two campuses and Maps Navigation.